Tag Secondary Education


TOUTES A L’ECOLE TAE Location: #902,St. 369, Sangkat Prek Thmey, Khan Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Website: www. Toutes-a-l-ecole.org Main Activities: Primary Education, Lower secondary educaiton and upper lower secondary educaiton Phone:  023 53 74 999 / 095 875 625Email:…

Cambodian Organization for Children and Development

Cambodian Organization for Children and DevelopmentCOCD Location: No. 2, Street 492, Sangkat Phsar Doem Thkov, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh Main Activities: Child Protection and Development which include education (primary and lower secondary education) Economic Empowerment including vocational training Social empowerment…

Plan International

Plan International PLAN Location: Block A of Phnom Penh Centre, Room 411, 4th floor, Phnom Penh Main Activities: ECCD, primary and secondary, and non-formal education Phone:  023 217 214/012 88 77 14Email: sakan.soth@plan-international.org Website: :