Category Kampot

Enhancing Education Advocacy: Youth Data Collection in Kampot, Siem Reap and Ratanakiri

Supported by USAID through FHI360, NEP is seeking six youth to perform data collection activities in Kampot, Siem Reap, and Ratanakiri related to the implementation of education policies, including the School Health and Inclusive Education Policy, Teacher Policy Action Plan,…

Education Champion Leaders Meeting

NEP is hosting its second Education Champion Leaders Meeting on 19 March 2024. The quarterly Education Champion – Leader meeting is a national meeting of chairs and vice chairs of P-ESWGs and the members of the Thematic working group will…

NEP Event Schedule

NEP is hosting three events in March 2024 namely ‘Education Champion Meeting, NEP Annual General Meeting and the 4th NEP National Conference’.  The Education Champion Meeting is a joint thematic working group meeting for all ExCom and members of the…

Enhancing Education and Inclusivity in Cambodia: Assessing Education National Policies

Welcome to our comprehensive assessment report on the implementation of four vital national educational policies in Cambodia. In this report, we focus on the Multilingual Education National Action Plan (MENAP) in Ratanakiri, the Gender Responsiveness in Teacher Policy Action Plan…

New Project kicks off in Kampot followed by a Consultation with Education Sector Stakeholders to assess issues and challenges faced by minority and marginalized learners

On October 27, 2022 Kampot ESWG organized the consultation meeting with CSOs, youth activists, women, persons with disabilities, and ethnic minorities to develop one 3-year collaborative advocacy plan for each cluster and revise annually to update and respond to changes…