Document Tag SED

Policy on Higher Education Vision 2030 (EN)

Higher Education plays an important role in human resource development and it is a key sub-sector contributing to socio-economic development of each nation. Cambodia’s Higher Education Vision 2030 outlines a strategic plan to build a quality higher education system that…

A Handbook on Making Lifelong Learning a Reality

Society has started to recognize that investing in learning throughout life – for everyone – stimulates active citizenship, increases employability, enhances people’s health and well-being, and strengthens communities. This handbook contains information, evidence, and basic conceptual models to help with…

Model School Standards for Kindergarten

The Ministry of Education of Education, Youth and Sport has released 5 model school standards for kindergarten which consist of 1) Student’s learning Result, 2) Teaching and Learning, 3) Community Engagement, 4) School Operational and Administrative Process, and 5) School…