Document Tag Higher Education

Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028 (KH)

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) has officially released the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028, a comprehensive roadmap aimed at further strengthening Cambodia’s education system. Building on the accomplishments of previous plans, including the education reforms from 2018-2023,…

Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028 (EN)

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) has officially released the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028, a comprehensive roadmap aimed at further strengthening Cambodia’s education system. Building on the accomplishments of previous plans, including the education reforms from 2018-2023,…

Policy on Higher Education Vision 2030 (EN)

Higher Education plays an important role in human resource development and it is a key sub-sector contributing to socio-economic development of each nation. Cambodia’s Higher Education Vision 2030 outlines a strategic plan to build a quality higher education system that…

MoEYS: Policy on Higher Education Vision 2030

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) envisions a higher education system that provides equal opportunities for all capable students to pursue higher education, ensuring they graduate with high quality and virtues. To achieve this, MoEYS aims to establish…