Document Tag SED

Cambodia COVID-19 Joint Education Needs Assessment

Description: This assessment is the result of collaborative efforts from MoEYS, ESWG and local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that were involved in administering surveys both in person and online to over 15,000 respondents consisting of students and caregivers, teachers,…

Uneven Recovery

Description: Like Hydra, the many-headed monster of Greek myth, COVID-19 is proving hard to suppress even a year after the first case was confirmed in Wuhan. China and Vietnam, which had largely contained the disease, saw occasional local outbreaks. Malaysia…

Private Education Statistics & Indicators 2020-2021

Description: The Education Statistics section is a collection of basic statistical information on private schools in Cambodia for the school year 2020-2021. It focuses on Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education and includes information on students, staff, buildings and other school…

Approaches to Data Stewardship

Description: This background paper is prepared based on case studies of existing practices attributed to a data steward approach. The examples given in the different case studies are organised according to the scoping methodology (see Annex I) established at the…