Document Tag SED

Use of Moeys logo

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport issued a Prakas on the Use of the Education, Youth and Sports Logo and Abbreviation by Unit under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Abbreviation Used on the Official Administrative Letterhead…

Minister Response to Requests to Re-open Schools

Description: In this letter to the PM, the Minister of Education shares his opinion on school re-opening in the COVID-19 context. In essence, Minister suggests schools should remain closed.   Published on: 12/05/2020  Published by: MOEYS  Language: Khmer Download

Cambodia Macro Poverty Outlook

Description: Cambodia’s economy is expected to start recovering this year, growing at 4 percent after being hit hard in 2020 by COVID-19-induced global demand shocks. Despite government’s unprecedented assistance program, poverty is likely to have increased. While newly signed free…

Private Education Statistics & Indicators

Description: The Education Statistics section is a collection of basic statistical information on private schools in Cambodia for the school year 2019-2020. It focuses on Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education and includes information on students, staff, buildings and other school…