Tag Child Sponsorship

Samaky Organization

Samaky Organizationsamaky Location: Dey Kraham village Mien Commune Prey Chhor District Kompong Cham Province Main Activities: Child Sponsorship program Eduation (ECCD,PRIMAIRY) Food Security and Advocacy Phone:  017820190 / 092917225Email: samakyngo@gmail.com Website: :

Respect for Children

Respect for ChildrenRFC Location: #362B, St 69BT, Sangkat Boeung Tompon, Khan Meanchey Phnom Penh, Cambodia Main Activities: Child sponsorship program Phone:  012 925 848Email: president@respectforchildren.org Website: www.respectforchildren.orgFacebook:

Cooperation for Alleviation of Poverty

Cooperation for Alleviation of Poverty COFAP Location: Head Office: Kdey Village, Sangkat Prey Tahou, Stoeung Sen Twon, Kampongthom Province Main Activities: Child Sponsorship Program, Education Program (Primary), and Food Security Phone:  012 491 540Email: y_bunthengcofap@yahoo.com Website: Facebook:

Children Action for Development

Children Action for Development CAD Location: # 03, Group 03, Chamkasamrong 2 village, Chamkasamrong commune,Battambang city, Battambang province Main Activities: Education (Child Friendly School & supplementary Class Project), Child right, Child Protection, Child Sponsorship, Recycling program at school, livelihood program and…

Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia

Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia (ADRA Cambodia) អង្គការជំនួយអភិវឌ្ឍន៍អាត់វេនទីស្ទកម្ពុជា Vision: A just and sustainable world where people can attain well-being and live life to the full, physically and psychologically and spiritually. Mission: To serve humanity so all may live as God intended.ADRA…