Join the Movement: Disability Does Not Limit Educational Opportunities

The NGO Education Partnership (NEP) invites all members to join and amplify the social media campaign, “Disability Does Not Limit Educational Opportunities.” This campaign is part of ongoing efforts to promote inclusive, equitable, and gender-responsive education across Cambodia.

Education is a fundamental human right, yet many students, particularly those with disabilities, face significant challenges in accessing quality education. Funded by USAID through FHI360 and Global Partnership for Education, Education Out Loud project through Oxfam Denmark, this initiative aims to strengthen advocacy and raise awareness about the importance of inclusive education.

The campaign seeks to engage parents, caregivers, teachers, local authorities, and policymakers to inspire action toward a more inclusive education system. Activities include a hashtag challenge (#DisabilityDoesNotLimit), testimonials from students with disabilities, spotlights on inclusive teaching practices, interactive polls, infographics, and a professionally produced campaign video.

NEP calls on all members to share and promote this campaign widely across their networks to maximize impact. By working together, we can create a future where education is truly inclusive and accessible for all.

Join the movement and help us ensure that disability does not limit educational opportunities.

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