Webinar: Protecting Education in Times of Crisis – Join GCE on September 9th

Education is a fundamental human right, yet it faces severe challenges during emergencies and crises, including school closures, attacks on facilities, and cuts in funding. These disruptions exacerbate inequalities and limit access to education for the most marginalized groups.

In response, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) will host a webinar on 9 September 2024, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM SAST to mark the International Day to Protect Education from Attack. The event will highlight the impact of attacks on schools, advocate for the protection of education during crises, and showcase best practices for safeguarding educational rights in conflict zones.

Join GCE in raising awareness about the importance of protecting education. 

Register here for the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iz02iKwOTmGQauBsD9FGoA#/registration 

Access the agenda and concept note here: https://mcusercontent.com/e45a784840e939570eff9e4d3/files/f82be2f7-5bd8-2cb1-d8ba-b127d50a194a/International_Day_to_Protect_Education_From_Attack.pdf

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