GCE Webinar: Mainstreaming Disability-Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is fundamental to creating equitable societies by ensuring every child has access to quality education, regardless of their abilities. Despite notable progress, many educational systems worldwide still struggle to provide fully inclusive environments, especially in early childhood education where foundational skills and attitudes toward learning and inclusion are formed.

To address these crucial issues, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), in collaboration with Humanity & Inclusion, will host a webinar on August 7, 2024, from 2:30 to 3:30 PM SAST. This session will share knowledge and best practices from leading experts in the field.

During the webinar, two significant projects will be spotlighted by Humanity & Inclusion:

1. Learn to Read in Laos PDR
2. Promoting Inclusive Early Childhood Development Education” in Kenya

These projects focus on mainstreaming disability-inclusive education throughout their cycles. Additionally, a representative from EnCompass will present a Guidance Note on Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into Education Projects. All presentations will emphasize strategies for integrating disability-inclusive education.

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdO2hrjspE9CansTwpAfyM3X8yEKOlFCS#/registration

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