KIX EMAP Webinar 20: Emerging lessons about what works in scaling

The KIX EMAP Hub Webinar 20 will be held in partnership with the Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations in Education (ROSIE) project. Facilitated by the Millions Learning project at the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings as part of GPE KIX, the webinar will focus on scaling impact in education. Its aim is to share key insights and lessons on scaling impact with stakeholders from the EMAP region, engage in discussions on these topics, and learn from participants’ expertise and experiences, including their approaches, challenges, and questions related to scaling.

The webinar will introduce the concept of scaling for impact and explore three key themes from the past three years of ROSIE research: centralizing equity in scaling work, the role of research in and about scaling, and engaging champions to support scaling.

KIX teams from the EMAP region will present examples of how these themes are applied in their work. The session will include time for questions, reflections, and discussions between the presenters and the audience.

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