
NEP Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2025

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NEP, held in the first quarter of the year, serves as a key platform to review and approve the previous year’s activities, discuss plans for the upcoming year, and finalize the financial report, budget, and membership fee for the next year. It is the first of four General Assembly meetings outlined in NEP’s Charter, with the subsequent quarterly meetings dedicated to reviewing progress on ongoing activities in the second, third, and fourth quarters. The AGM ensures strategic alignment and provides an opportunity for members to shape NEP’s priorities and initiatives.

6th Education Champion Leader Meeting of 2025

The Education Champion Leaders Meeting brings together chairs, vice-chairs, and leaders from Cambodia's 25 Provincial Education Sector Working Groups (P-ESWGs) and six sub-sector working groups (SSWGs) managed by the NGO Education Partnership (NEP). These sub-sectors include Non-Formal Education and Lifelong Learning, Early Childhood Care and Education, Education and Disabilities, Primary Education, School Reform, and Teacher Capacity Development. The meeting serves as a platform for sharing best practices, networking, capacity building, and fostering mutual support among stakeholders in CSO-based education governance. It focuses on promoting equity and quality in education, inclusion and gender responsiveness, and sustainable education financing, with an emphasis on decentralization.