The MoEYS has developed a continuous professional development handbook to guide educators to realize their full professional potential

The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport has developed a guidebook to help educators, teachers, school directors, and other education staff to learn more in order to become professional and reach their full potential. This guidebook is a comprehensive resource that provides information on continuous professional development (CPD) for teachers, school directors, and education specialists. The guidebook emphasizes the importance of upgrading skills and knowledge and keeping up with the latest ideas in the classroom to become highly qualified and professional. management, teaching strategies, technology, and  provide practical advice and strategies for teachers to improve their teaching skills and create a positive learning environment for their students. In addition to reading professional development books, educators can also attend workshops, conferences, and other training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge. The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport offers various CPD programs for teachers, school directors, and education specialists to help them reach their full potential.  Ministry of Education Youth and Sport’s guidebook is a valuable resource for educators who want to become highly qualified and professional. By upgrading their skills and knowledge and keeping up with the latest ideas in the classroom, educators can provide the best education possible for their students. Reading professional development books is one way for educators to stay current and improve their teaching skills.

Date: 11th August 2023
File Type: pdf
Categories: Laws & Regulation
Keywords: CPD, Moeys, Reading, Teacher
Language: English

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