The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Learners in Asia-Pacific: 1 in 5 people in the Asia-Pacific region have depressive symptoms

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of learners in Asia-Pacific. Learners have faced increased stress, anxiety, and depression due to the shift to distance learning, social isolation, and financial hardship. The study shows that:

  • 1 in 5 people in the Asia-Pacific region have depressive symptoms.
  • Anxiety and depression symptoms are higher among people in Asia compared to other regions.
  • The pandemic has opened up more conversations around mental health.
  • Learners have faced:
    • Increased gender-based responsibilities
    • Loss of comforting routine
    • Stress due to the shift to distance learning
    • Loneliness and isolation
    • Exposure to online harassment
    • Lack of motivation to study

The study shows there are challenges for learners during the pandemic:

  • Inadequate funding for mental health and psychosocial support.
  • The absence or poor implementation of national mental health policies and comprehensive plans.
  • Lack of political will and lack of institutional mechanisms.
  • Lack of accessible mental health professionals and treatment facilities.
  • Stigma and discrimination, lack of awareness, and lack of data.

So, what can be done?

  • Invest in mental health services for learners.
  • Implement national mental health policies and comprehensive plans.
  • Train teachers and other school staff on mental health.
  • Raise awareness of mental health issues and promote stigma reduction.
  • Provide support to learners who are struggling with their mental health.

The study also suggests a strategy to improve practice during hard times:

We can all play a role in supporting the mental health of learners in Asia-Pacific. By talking about mental health, raising awareness, and providing support, we can help to make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

The study also shows good practices that had been done in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Mongolia as well as a significant call to action in order to improve mental health during the Pandemic.

Readmore: 2 Mental health

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Date: 8th September 2023
File Type: pdf
Categories: Thematic Reports
Keywords: ESP, Implementation, SED, Strategy, Teacher
Language: English

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