Findings from Cambodia’s experience in PISA for Development

This publication presents Cambodia’s results in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment for Development (PISA-D), a pilot project designed to make PISA more accessible and relevant to middle- and low-income countries. It highlights student achievements, resources allocated to education, and learning environments, allowing for comparisons with other nations. The report aims to guide education policy development in Cambodia by identifying key challenges and strategies. PISA-D re-designed its assessment tools to better capture diverse performance levels and social contexts, providing Cambodia with valuable data and capacity-building opportunities for future assessments. This effort was made possible through collaboration between Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the OECD, KICE, and funding from SEIP.

Date: 13th December 2024
File Type: pdf
Categories: Thematic Reports
Keywords: Assessment, Cambodias Education Sector, Capacity Building, Collaboration, International, Policy, Student Achievement
Language: English

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