This Advocacy Strategies Resource Guide (Guide) is the primary product to emerge from a larger
study on advocacy strategies commissioned by the Democracy and Governance (D/G) Center’s
Civil Society Advisor. The study, and now the Guide, is intended to serve the knowledge and
informational needs identified by USAID Democracy Officers and their U.S. and host country
CSO partners involved in the design and implementation of civil society programs with advocacy
components. The study was designed at a time (mid-1995) when a number of issues related to
civil society’s role in the transition to and consolidation of democratic governance were being
raised both in the field and at the Agency level. In this regard, the study was to provide: 1) a
systematic overview of the range of advocacy strategies appropriate for different levels of political
development in southern and transition countries; and 2) a consolidated source of knowledge
concerning available training approaches and programs appropriate for these countries. The
change from a traditional study and “synthesis report” to a “resource guide” was made in
recognition of the practical needs of the field.
Published on: 8/31/1997
Published by: World Learning Inc. and Associates in Rural Development
Language: English