Document Tag Reading

NEP 5th National Conference Summary Report (KH)

NEP hosted its 5th National Conference on September 19-20, 2024, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Under the theme “Equal Opportunity: Same School, Same Teacher, Same Learning Outcome,” the event gathered 200 education stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including local implementing partners and…

NEP 5th National Conference Summary Report (EN)

NEP hosted its 5th National Conference on September 19-20, 2024, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Under the theme “Equal Opportunity: Same School, Same Teacher, Same Learning Outcome,” the event gathered 200 education stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including local implementing partners and…

PISA 2022 Results: Factsheets Cambodia

The PISA 2022 Results for Cambodia offer a detailed assessment of 15-year-old students’ performance in mathematics, reading, and science, with 5,279 students participating from 183 schools. The evaluation included a two-hour test and background questionnaires to gather insights on students’…

New MOEYS Publication

MOEYS published a new document including guidelines for the implementation on early grade reading and math packages The guidelines introduce the strategies and techniques on early grade reading and math package implementation

USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning Annual Progress Report

Description: This report is specifically to meet the contractual requirements of USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning. Activities funded under the USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning are reported to allow the Cambodia mission to monitor progress and approve updates to plans for that award only.…