Document Tag Local

Preliminary Result Report of National Public Forum

Description: This public forum includes the discussion on the following topics: 1. Public participation in the public finance reform process 2. Public participation in the budget planning process and monitoring budget plan implementation by sub-national administration 3. Budget planning in…

Cambodia COVID-19 Joint Education Needs Assessment

Description: This assessment is the result of collaborative efforts from MoEYS, ESWG and local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that were involved in administering surveys both in person and online to over 15,000 respondents consisting of students and caregivers, teachers,…

Cambodia COVID-19 Joint Education Needs Assessment

Description: This assessment is the result of collaborative efforts from MoEYS, ESWG and local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that were involved in administering surveys both in person and online to over 15,000 respondents consisting of students and caregivers, teachers,…

Uneven Recovery

Description: Like Hydra, the many-headed monster of Greek myth, COVID-19 is proving hard to suppress even a year after the first case was confirmed in Wuhan. China and Vietnam, which had largely contained the disease, saw occasional local outbreaks. Malaysia…

Toys and Games Prototype Manual

Summary : The guide for preschool teachers, called the “Toys and Games Prototype Manual”, was prepared by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) with input from various departments including:Special Education Department; Early Childhood Education Department; Teacher Training Department; Preschool Teacher Training…