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Position Paper on Lifelong Learning Policy

The NGO Education Partnership (NEP), with funded support from DVV International, is proud to lead the development of a position paper on lifelong learning (LLL). This initiative aims to provide high-level narratives derived from interviews with key stakeholders, contributing to…

Civil Society Organization (CSO) Mapping Report

The Civil Society Organization (CSO) Mapping Reportfor Cambodia’s education sector has provided valuable insights into the role of CSOs and NGOs in four provinces: Battambang, Pailin, Banteay Meanchey, and Oddor Meanchey. This study highlights the crucial contributions of these organizations…

National Policy on Lifelong Learning

The concept of “Lifelong Learning,” first introduced in 1972, has since emerged as a guiding principle for educational policy in both developed and developing nations. It has become a cornerstone of Sustainable Development Goal 4 within the Education 2030 Framework…

Policy On Inclusive Education (EN)

The “Policy on Inclusive Education” published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia in 2018 outlines a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring equitable access to quality education for all children, particularly those with disabilities. The document emphasizes…

Policy On Inclusive Education (KH)

The “Policy on Inclusive Education” published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia in 2018 outlines a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring equitable access to quality education for all children, particularly those with disabilities. The document emphasizes…