Document Tag Communities

Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028 (KH)

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) has officially released the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028, a comprehensive roadmap aimed at further strengthening Cambodia’s education system. Building on the accomplishments of previous plans, including the education reforms from 2018-2023,…

Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028 (EN)

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) has officially released the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024-2028, a comprehensive roadmap aimed at further strengthening Cambodia’s education system. Building on the accomplishments of previous plans, including the education reforms from 2018-2023,…

USAID: Gender and Inclusive Development Analysis

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of gender and inclusive development in Cambodia to inform USAID’s 2020-2025 strategy. It examines how various social inequalities affect marginalized groups like women, ethnic minorities (including Vietnamese and Cham peoples), and people with disabilities.…

Policy On Inclusive Education (EN)

The “Policy on Inclusive Education” published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia in 2018 outlines a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring equitable access to quality education for all children, particularly those with disabilities. The document emphasizes…

Policy On Inclusive Education (KH)

The “Policy on Inclusive Education” published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia in 2018 outlines a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring equitable access to quality education for all children, particularly those with disabilities. The document emphasizes…

A Handbook on Making Lifelong Learning a Reality

Society has started to recognize that investing in learning throughout life – for everyone – stimulates active citizenship, increases employability, enhances people’s health and well-being, and strengthens communities. This handbook contains information, evidence, and basic conceptual models to help with…