Document Tag Annual Report

TDSO Annual Report 2023

In 2023, TDSO achieved significant milestones, impacting the education sector profoundly. TDSO’s robust foundation of over 250 teachers, equipped with rigorous training in Teaching English, underscores our commitment to educational excellence. Furthermore, a substantial cohort of 700 teachers actively engaged in…

Prospects for Children in 2022

Description: Our (UNICEF) 2022 outlook draws on the reflections and analysis of staff from UNICEF’s Global Insight team, supported by the Atlantic Council and the Pardee Center for International Futures, two organizations with a long track records and formidable reputations…

USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning Annual Progress Report

Description: This report is specifically to meet the contractual requirements of USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning. Activities funded under the USAID/Cambodia–All Children Learning are reported to allow the Cambodia mission to monitor progress and approve updates to plans for that award only.…