NEP is committed to enhancing representation and participation among education CSOs. NEP also seeks the broadest possible involvement of education CSOs and all others who can contribute to and benefit from education in Cambodia.

Membership in NEP is open to non-profit humanitarian associations and non-profit, non-governmental organisations (NGO’s), community-based organisations (CSO’s) and citizen groups operating in Cambodia and working in the education sector. Collectively, they are referred to as education NGO’s and Stakeholders.

The following membership requirements apply:

  • For NGOs: the documented status of registration with the Ministry of Interior (for local NGO’s) or with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation (for international NGO’s) or an attested letter with evidence of operations and their charters (for non-formal organisations).
  • A signed declaration that the organisation applying for membership will, under no circumstances, use its status as NEP-member nor the NEP Forum to promote any specific political or religious aims.
  • A signed declaration that the organisation applying for membership supports education for all goals, as per the SDGs and C-SDGs


Application Procedures

  • Any organisation that wants to become a NEP member submits a duly filled-in application form and a cover letter explaining the motivation to join NEP and confirming the commitment to NEP’s principles, values and charter.
  • The application must include all documents as per above.
  • The Secretary-General will do the initial screening and forward the application for decision to the Board of Directors.
  • NEP reserves the right to ask for additional information, clarification and documentation from the applicant.
  • The Board of Directors decides on the applicant’s membership status. This decision is communicated at the earliest possible time through a formal letter informing the decision.
  • This approval is provisional. After receipt of the membership fee, membership is complete, and the formal membership letter is issued to the applicant and communication is made to other members and stakeholders

The membership fee for 2022 is USD 30.00 for Local NGO’s and Informal Organisations and USD 120.00 for International NGO’s.



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