Enhancing Education Advocacy: Youth Data Collection in Kampot, Siem Reap and Ratanakiri

Supported by USAID through FHI360, NEP is seeking six youth to perform data collection activities in Kampot, Siem Reap, and Ratanakiri related to the implementation of education policies, including the School Health and Inclusive Education Policy, Teacher Policy Action Plan, and Multilingual Education. Under the project, called ‘Promoting access to quality and inclusive education for all through public advocacy campaigns for improving schools, students, and teachers, the project aims to strengthen collaboration among education sector stakeholders and increase impact of youth-led and community-led advocacy  on local, and provincial and national education sector stakeholders to influence the educational policy implementation and reforms.

Throughout the data collection process, the youth will receive guidance and support from NEP staff and P-ESWG members in the respective provinces, and will be provided with a daily allowance. Upon completion of the data collection, the youth will submit all findings to NEP staff. 

Submit CV to NEP at info@nepcambodia.org

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