The Battambang Provincial Education Sector Working Group (PESWG)​is organizing a meeting to update the process of research analysis.

At Battambang Province, with regard to Advocacy Planning for School Health and Nutrition Advocacy, the Battambang Provincial Education Sector Working Group (PESWG) is conducting a thorough analysis of the school health and nutrition sector at the primary school level to identify the key challenges and issues.

They have completed the data collection process and are meeting to reflect on their data analysis. Through interviews and Focus group discussions with various stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, the school management committee, the school director, and the Office of Education, youth, and Sport, they have gathered valuable data for the research. The impression of data collectors indicates a low level of knowledge regarding safe nutrition at the school level. They’ll further analyze the data and will soon identify the key challenges and issues to devise an advocacy plan for school health and nutrition. 


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