NEP Cambodia has scheduled a monthly online discussion, EduNetTalk37 for July 31, 2023

Topic: Harnessing Digital Solutions to make the implementation of lifelong learning policy a reality. 

Date: July 31, 2023, | Monday | 04:00-05:00 PM

The next edition, #EduNetTalk37, is scheduled for July 31, 2023. The talk will be broadcasted live on the NEP Cambodia Facebook page while panelists and moderators will connect via Zoom.

The EduNetTalk aims to provide opportunities for civil society and government actors to address the identified topic. We will invite our distinguished speakers to discuss the following objectives: 

  • To explore the impact of ICT  in promoting non-formal and adult education in vocational training.   

  • To introduce emerging solutions and their application and scalability in the Cambodian Context

  • To convey the perspectives of the education sector stakeholders on the use of digital technology to reach marginalized learners in non-formal settings


NEP invited speakers who are working in Education Sectors such as:


  • Mr. Moeun Chantrea, Head of the Department of Life Long Learning of the Royal University of Phnom Penh.

  • Mr. Kimlay Leav, an Education Programme Officer at UNESCO.

  • Mr. Phel Phearoun, the Policy Director of the General Secretariat of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning and Deputy Director of the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

  • Mrs. Men Makara, Deputy General Director of Pour Un Sourire D’Enfrant (PSE)

zoom link:

Topic: Harnessing Digital Solutions to make the implementation of lifelong learning policy a reality. 

Date: July 31, 2023, | Monday | 04:00-05:00 PM

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