Training Opportunity: Telling Stories about agricultural solutions that work for women

Between August and November 2023, the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform is running an 8-module training course for science communicators on how to prepare and publish stories on agricultural solutions that work for women. Apply by July 31, 2023.

Positive stories that incorporate women’s voices are few and far between in development discussions and media coverage on women’s roles in agri-food systems.

Evidence shows that it is paramount for researchers to consider women’s specific needs, preferences and realities when they develop agricultural solutions such as new seeds and crop varieties, machinery, information services and more. But, we see too few compelling and convincing stories about the benefits that women and communities experience when agricultural innovations are gender responsive.  

We’re inviting science communicators from CGIAR and partners—especially those based in South and Southeast Asia—to help us close that gap.

What will the training entail?

  1. 8-week training course on how to prepare and publish stories. Training will take place virtually as well as in-person during the 2023 CGIAR GENDER conference, From research to impact: Toward just and resilient agri-food systems, which takes place in New Delhi, India, October 9-12, 2023.
  2. 4-day in-person blogging boot camp during the 2023 CGIAR GENDER conference, during which trainees will be supported to develop and publish blog posts highlighting the gender and social sciences research featured at the conference by CGIAR and its partner organizations. 
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