IDRC and GPE call for proposals for applied research projects that will generate and mobilize evidence about the best ways to scale the impact of innovative approaches for strengthening education data systems and data use.
This call addresses three interrelated challenges, each of which requires research that addresses technical issues, multiple aspects of capacity strengthening, and effective governance and sustainability. The challenges are:
- expanding and integrating data sets to understand learners and promote gender equality, equity and inclusion
- using platforms and tools to enhance data use
- expanding uses and users of data, including for public accountability
The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) aims to respond to these challenges by:
- generating evidence about how to scale the impact of innovative approaches that address the challenges of data systems and data use in education systems
- strengthening the capacities of relevant stakeholders to use that knowledge and innovation
- mobilizing the evidence developed to improve policy and practice in education systems
This funding opportunity is open to either individual organizations or consortia of up to three organizations working in Global Partnership for Education (GPE) partner countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. Specific eligibility requirements, including funding and duration, vary across the three types of grants available (single country, multi-country and regional/global). Please consult the detailed call document for more specific eligibility requirements.
For more information, please read the detailed call for proposals document and frequently asked questions.
View the recording of the informational webinar on the call for proposals to strengthen education data systems and data use for more detail.
Budget – Single country grants of up to $500,000. Multi-country grants of up to $1,500,000. Regional/global grants of up to $2,500,000.
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