This programme is for educational planners and managers from across the world, as well as other profiles from education ministries and professionals from other governmental bodies. Professionals working for NGOs and national and international agencies that contribute to educational planning are also welcomed to apply.During the five months, the participants will follow four main courses, including:
- A preparatory self-paced course that covers fundamental statistical concepts,
- An overview of educational planning today, including what does it aim to accomplish and how are international commitments interpreted in different countries worldwide.
- A course on educational sector policies to address questions such as what the underlying concepts regarding equity in education are, what drives disparities in education, and what are the key policies – and their limitations – to promote quality.
- A final course on educational data and indicators, including how to identify the data needed to measure access to education, participation and completion, equity, internal efficiency, teaching and learning conditions, plus more.
The training will combine individual study, weekly online, “live” sessions, and interaction with international experts and participants to encourage collaboration and experience sharing.
To learn more, please follow this link