KAPE Delivers ICT Training to School Staff

KAPE Project Happy Cambodia Children (HCC) has organized an additional course on Information Technology in Education (ICT) held at Kantuot Primary School and Chrak Romdeng Primary School on 19-20 and 27-28 April. 2023. A total of 40 participants include: Principals, Deputy Directors and teachers from 11 target schools in Tbong Khmum province. This refresher course aims to provide participants with: Know some of the components of a computer (Hardware and Software)

Learn more about each aspect of using Google Drive, Google Forms, and Google Sheets. Participants gain a good knowledge of the use of some key technologies, such as facilitating administrative work, strengthening teaching and learning skills, using new teaching methods, encouraging and encouraging research on information on social media to develop teaching. There are improvements. #HCC #KapeProject

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