AFD is launching its annual Call for Expressions of Project Intentions (AMI) in order to shortlist projects to be co-financed in 2024 led by CSOs in countries eligible for official development assistance according to the list established by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC).1
This call for projects falls within the scope of the French Orientation and Programming Law on Development and International Solidarity passed on August 4, 2021 by the French parliament and the goals of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ strategic document “Civil Society and Civic Engagement” and the 2018-2023 Strategy on Partnerships Between AFD and CSOs (available here). This partnership framework will be renewed at the end of 2023 and reflects the French government’s commitment to strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations. The framework for action is also the result of dialogue initiated by AFD with CSOs and other stakeholders, especially the Delegation for Civil Society Relations and Partnerships of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and is in keeping with the priorities set by the Interministerial Committee on International Cooperation and Development of