This national conference will be hosted by NGO Education Partnership (NEP), a coalition of CSOs working in the education sector and it supports a strategic civil society framework that is concentrated around Provincial Education Sector Working Groups (P-ESWG) in 15 provinces, and Thematic Education Sector Working Groups (early years education, primary education, secondary education / TVET, non-formal education, teacher capacity development, and school reform, and special education, including the COVID- 19 Response Coordination Group) as well as national policy dialogue platforms such as National Education Sector Working Group; The organisers of this national conference intendto bring together civil society and government actors to discuss transforming education, systems strengthening, and education sector collaboration in the Cambodian context. System strengthening must be considered holistically and the education sector positioning around other public services. Focusing just on the educational system or particular parts of it hides significant dangers and assumptions, which can lead to missed opportunities for synergy, duplication of efforts, and disjointed action from CSOs and the government counterparts.
The key to developing the education system is the alignment of government policies with CSO programs and structures and connections between important players. This alignment is correlated to the resources – both human and financial – required to produce outcomes.
Participants will discuss objectives and explore methods of efficiently designing development programs, support for formal and non-formal education, correcting learning loss, and catching up on C-SDG 4 implementation.