1st Quarterly Meeting of Adult Learning and Education, Life Long Learning and Non-Formal Education

On January 05, 2023, the Sub- Sector Working Group on Adult Learning and Education, Life Long Learning and Non-Formal Education organized their quarterly network meeting joined by 19 participants. The group conducted a learning session on the the plan and strategy on NFE and LLL of MoEYS, Marrakesh Framework of Action as well as Establishing of CLC Sustainability (Good Practice of CLC) and the annual operational plan 2023 as the following:

                a) Four quarterly meetings and exchange visits throughout 2023

                b) One advocacy topic for 2023

                c) Four capacity building topics: adult learning and education, lifelong learning, action research and power of public speaking

We sincerely thank to four speakers. 

      1. Mr. Hang Chansovan, Deputy Director of Department of Non-Formal Education, MoEYS

      2. Mrs. Peou Vanna, Country Director of DVV International      

      3. Mr. UK Yuth, Executive Director of KAFDOC

      4. Mr. Norng Vutha, Country Director of NFUAJ

We are grateful for the commitment of all the participants.

We would like to thank Mr. HOK Sothik, Director of SIPAR and his team for hosting the meeting and warm welcome all of us.

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