Media and Inclusion Fund
(Date of announcement: December 27, 2022)
FHI 360, an international non-governmental organization, is seeking Annual Program Statements (APS) from Cambodian umbrella and individual civil society organizations (CSOs), media organizations and private sector organizations to implement the new USAID-funded Civil Society Support (CSS) activity.
Under the Media and Inclusion fund, CSS will provide up to three grants to CSOs, media organizations and private sector organizations to implement and/or pilot emerging new tools, techniques, and innovative approaches in support of thematic policy areas of the clusters — including policy advocacy, public awareness and strategic communications, and the enabling environment for civil society and media. This program aims: 1) To enhance access to free, transparent, and inclusive traditional and new media; and 2) To enhance the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in policy making and policy implementation. Through this grant program, CSS will fund CSOs, media organizations, and private sector organizations to advance public participation in policy dialogue and policy making and contribute to a free and open environment for civil society and the media.
Interested organizations are requested to submit their concept paper based on the guidelines for preparation. The selection process involves review of applications and an onsite organizational pre-appraisal of the shortlisted applicants.
Submission Requirements
The interested CSOs should download full APS with Guidelines for preparation of applications.
Applications can be submitted through email at with the subject line “Application for CSS – Media and Inclusion Fund”.
Deadline for submission of Applications is January 16, 2023, 5:00 P.M. (Cambodia Time). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.