EPIC 2023 Call for Abstracts – deadline extended

The KIX EAP Hub is pleased to announce an extension of the Call for Abstracts deadline for the KIX EAP Education Policy and Innovation Conference (EPIC) to be held online in March 2023. EPIC 2023 will surface and disseminate innovative research and policy practices in the Europe, Asia, and Pacific region. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization – Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH), and the UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education are partnering with the KIX EAP Hub to make EPIC 2023 a success.

EPIC 2023 will bring together government officials, researchers, practitioners, members of the donor community, civil society, and the private sector to share their research and knowledge on education policy and innovation with other countries in the EAP region. It will provide a unique opportunity to connect people in different countries working on similar thematic priorities to convene and exchange their diverse experiences and expertise on an education topic.

EPIC 2023 will build upon EPIC 2021’s success with a demand-driven programme that addresses key thematic priorities for the KIX EAP region. As such, we welcome submissions related to education policy studies or educational reform studies, notably on the following topics Prospective presenters are encouraged to contribute to the conference by submitting a research abstract by the new deadline of 22 December. Submissions are accepted in English, Russian, and Arabic. Your contribution is welcomed in making EPIC 2023 a success in its goal of surfacing and disseminating innovative research and policy practices in the EAP region.  

Please see the call for abstracts guidelines for more information. Any questions should be sent to: norrag.kix@graduateinstitute.ch.

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