Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Leads Policy Townhall


Cambodia’s commitment towards developing a knowledge-based society is deeply rooted in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports’ (MoEYS) vision to establish and develop human resources of the very highest quality and sound ethics. This serves as the guiding force behind the establishment of the Department of Policy (DoPo) at the General Directorate of Policy and Planning (DGPP). Similar

to the other parts of the world, the Covid19 pandemic delayed the education progress considerably in Cambodia as well, resulting in teaching and learning loss. A significant identified reason was found to be the lack of sharing knowledge and gap in capacity building for educators and policy implementers. DoPo acknowledges the importance of having adequate knowledge, consistent
up-skilling and regular engagement with policy discourses for personal growth and efficiency in educational system. Under this pretext, an online policy dialogue forum titled #PolicyTownhall is launched to build dialogue and bring global perspectives together with local insights.
The policy forum will take place on 01 November 2022 | Tuesday | 04:00-05:30 PM Cambodia Time


សូមគោរពអញ្ជើញ ឯកឧត្តម លោកជំទាវ លោក លោកស្រី អ្នកនាង កញ្ញា ចូលរួមកិច្ចពិភាក្សាអប់រំ ក្រោមប្រធានបទស្តីពី «និន្នាការសកលសម្រាប់ការអប់រំនៅកម្ពុជា Global Megatrends, Education and Cambodia» នៅថ្ងៃទី១ វិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ២០២២ ចាប់ពីម៉ោង ១៦:០០-១៧:៣០នាទី តទៅ

Dr. Berthold Kuhn, Freie Universität, Berlin
Dr. Bo Chankoulika, Director. DoPo, MOEYS. Cambodia
Mr. Hong Reaksmey. Country
Director. Save the Children

Moderator: Dr. Lay Sovichea. Head, Research and Policy

តាមរយៈកម្មវិធី Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 6533 5455
Passcode: dopo2022

បញ្ជាក់៖ កិច្ចពិភាក្សាអប់រំនេះ នឹងមានផ្សាយផ្ទាល់តាមរយៈគេហទំព័រផ្លូវការរបស់នាយកដ្ឋានគោលនយោបាយ

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