EduNetTalk#28: New School Year Enrollment: addressing learning loss for marginalized learners

NEP is scheduled to run the online discussion called the EduNetTalk#28 under the theme: New School Year Enrollment: addressing learning loss for marginalized learners that is going to be held on October 27, 2022 at 4:00pm. We are delighted and honored to introduce our guest speakers and moderator for this discussion:

1. Mr. Tim Sahen, Deputy Director of Inclusive Education Department
2. Mr. Project Manager, Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE)
3. Mr. Var Sorin, Technical Programme Lead for Education, World Vision International Cambodia

This discussion is moderated by Ms San Sreynich, reporter from Apsara Media Service.

If you want to attend this discussion, please take one minute to register in advance:

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