The Transforming Education Summit Starts Today

The Transforming Education Summit starts today in New York! The Summit is being convened by the UN Secretary-General as a key milestone in the advancement of SDG 4 and Our Common Agenda. It aims to reaffirm national and international commitments to transform education and develop a Vision Statement on Transforming Education from the Secretary-General.


The first Summit Engagement Day is the Mobilisation Day, which is organised and led by youth with the full involvement of a broad variety of stakeholders, including civil society. Informed by the Summit Youth Declaration, it aims to convey the collective recommendations of youth on transforming education to decision-makers and policymakers. The day will feature intergenerational dialogues between youth and political leaders; parallel thematic breakout sessions on intersectional areas for transforming education; a dedicated conversation between youth leaders and the UN Secretary-General on the role of young people in transforming education; a session on Youth declaration overview; a session on building global movement for education transformation; and a panel discussion tackling the way forward.            


As the CSO representative appointed by the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO Ed2030) in the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee (HLSC) Sherpa Group and the Transforming Education Summit (TES) Advisory Committee, ASPBAE is and will be actively engaging in the Summit processes, represented by its Secretary-General, Helen Dabu, together with the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), through its President, Refat Sabbah. Various members of CCNGO Ed2030 are also participating in the Summit. 


Colleagues can follow and watch online the Transforming Education Summit via livestream through this link: United Nations Web TV. Please note that it is not necessary to register to access the livestream.


You may also join the conversation online by using the hashtag #TransformingEducation when communicating on social media and following the Summit on Twitter at @TransformingEdu


For more information, visit the Transforming Education Knowledge Hub. You may also view the TES Information Note and the TES Full Programme  


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