Sightsavers in partnership with other global education partners including, Global Campaign for Education (GCE), The International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), the International Disability Alliance (IDA), Global Action on Disability (GLAD) network – are launching a new campaign called #DoYourHomework to protect the rights of the 240 million children with disabilities around the world to quality, inclusive education on Monday 5th September.
We want to see world leaders deliver on their promise to ‘Leave No One Behind’ by taking urgent action to include children with disabilities in the commitments made at this month’s Transforming Education Summit. That’s why through our #DoYourHomework campaign, we’re setting world leaders six pieces of homework to build an inclusive education system.
Please help spread the word and advocate for the rights of children and youth with disabilities. You can get involved by sharing posts on social media, along with news story and blogs. You can even add your own asks / homework for world leaders – find out more through the attached toolkit.This is one of the initiatives the GCE is organizing and promoting to demand commitments from world leaders during the Transforming Education Summit (TES) will take place in New York on the 16th – 19th of September.