Funding Opportunity : Ignacio H. de Larramendi Research Grants

Deadline : 11 October 2022


One of Fundación MAPFRE’s missions is to support and promote research to improve the quality of life of the people who make up our society. We are therefore looking for research projects related to two areas of action: health promotion; and insurance and social security. This 2022 edition has a total fund of 300,000 euros.

We would like to highlight, on an international level, the work of researchers or research teams in the academic and professional fields who carry out their work either independently or within the framework of the universities, hospitals, companies or research centers to which they are affiliated.

Research projects related to health promotion will have a maximum allocation of 30,000 euros per award and must explore one of the following topics:

  • Strategies and education to change habits: prevention of obesity, promotion of physical activity and emotional well-being.
  • Emergency response training for the general population.
  • Physical injury assessment
  • Health management: clinical quality and safety.
  • Longevity and quality of life.

Grants for research related to insurance and social welfare are a maximum of 15,000 euros, for studies aimed at exploring the following topics in depth, in the context of 21st century challenges:

  • Risk management.
  • New technologies in the insurance field.
  • Social welfare: economics of aging, senior economics, the silver economy.

The application period for this edition is open until October 11.


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